Silencing Professional Pilots.Com

By Capt Nigel Pogmore

Former pilot & safety officer

Serengeti Balloon Safaris Ltd

It should be taken into account that as a result of the discovery process has produced evidence that prior to Pascoe's threat to place complaints or undue pressure on the CPS, alternatively gained assistance from others,  the police and the CPS were not going to take any further action, stating that blackmail had not been made out.

So what changed once Pascoe started complaining?

This raises many questions as to  who is in control of the CPS, has someone committed the offence of abuse of power? This needs to be raised in court as soon as possible,Were there other forces at play ?

This is just analysing only one-tenth of the audio evidence that I have in my possession. I have taken the precaution of ensuring copies are held elsewhere, which would be available if there's ever any further attempts to confiscate such evidence.

1 Audio on 09-10-2015 at, the 16 minutes 45 seconds mark on the record my defence barrister says the following

Defence barrister "We have to work our way out that that allows you to hold your head up high and allows the Crown Prosecution Service to avoid a complaint from Pascoe. This is what is driving them.

: Defendant<  Well my heart bleeds for them, if that's what the problem is,

Barrister interrupts, it's not about your heart bleeding.

Rejoining the same tape at 17 minutes 49 seconds

"Where we were before, where we were talking before,  we were  considering a conditional caution for a summary-only offence in place of the existing criminal prosecution? For reasons that I think are wrong, the CPS is no longer prepared to talk about that.

Defendant: why are you saying thats wrong?

Barrister: because Pascoe is sitting in the background talking about complaining about all of this.

British  Balloon  Pilot in Bristol Prison

Following Serengeti Balloon Safaris   Fatal Accident

at?? into the recording

Barrister>  you don't think you are guilty of blackmail you told me that very clearly all the way through

At 31 minutes 16 seconds,

Barrister: This is not the usual type of blackmail and it's not the usual type of blackmail because you are a very unusual man, the circumstances are very unusual, it's only one of your demands that is financially related

Defendant: exactly

Barrister: and because of that, the lawyers at the CPS are scratching their heads and looking to see if there is another way of dealing with this. Simon Burns, in-particular understands in part where you have come from,

Defendant: I do get the impression of that

Barrister: He would much rather not prosecute you for blackmail offences, which are very serious. But For him to actually bring the CPS and the police and deal with any flak from the complainants that there is, he has to resolve the case in a way that is acceptable and that is why he's talking about all other charges. On a cost-benefit analysis.a

32.41sec other charges that on the face of it, you may be guilty of, now you are not prepared to accept something if you do not accepted,

Defendant sorry! Defendant laughs

Defence barrister: Sorry badly phrased.

AT  33.03: the cost benefit analysis

Defendants comment, More talk of reasons to accept a caution.

Defendants comment: at 50 minutes 36 seconds there's a discussion about the judge been keen to get rid of this case. Leaning on the CPS, also applying pressure on both sides. Then there's very open conversation where is not disputed that the judge (HHJ Roach) had already informed the CPS IN OPEN COURT that this was a waste of public funds. Clarification was given that at this stage in proceedings, the judge doesn't have the power to dismiss the case. I fully understand this is to be the case.

52 minutes 37 seconds I raise the point with Matthew Corner regarding the relationship between Evans and Bristol balloons, I enquire if the judge is aware of such a relationship. This clearly outlines my long held concern at this very early stage yet this was ignored. We all know what happened next.

Nelson legal, CPS Will offer no evidence Movie on 24-11-2015 at 18.55.

At the 2 minutes 21 seconds into the recording, Nelson legal, Matthew informed me In a recorded telephone conversation that the CPS has agreed to drop the blackmail charge; thereafter would offer no evidence; on the proviso that I accept a conditional caution for far lesser offence relating to communication act.  He tells me that a caution is just a slap on the wrist That would leave  me  free to walk away. Not so.

17. 04/05/ 2011 11.49 DC I 425 Gill E district crown review DCI

Today spoken to the victim in this case and advised him that this matter will be investigated by DC John Dowding. I have informed him that once details statements will be taken from him where the Pacific allegation of evidence relating to those allegations will be recorded.

Once the statement has been taken I will assess the evidence and decide if it is proportionate and in the public interest to continue with the investigation. I have informed Mr Pascoe that this may take some time future alliance on gaining information regarding the current whereabouts of Mr Pogmore and  agencies I have explained

16/05/ 2012  15-41.26 hours    officer dealing DC 1813 at  EB

Anthony &  Ivan Pascoe/ Serengeti balloon safaris(SBS) G/35963/11 , allegations by Them naming Nigel Pogmore –Long investigation into this; No Criminal Offence identified, They continue to report/complain each time info appears on Pogmore's website, TREAT ALL REPORTS WITH CAUTION  and notify DC 1813 or DCI 425 Gill3

57. 24/05/2012 1209 DS 1813 Dowing ZE district crime desk

Ivan Pascoe called  the FSC and they have put the call through to me, he wished to speak with PC Bancroft regarding previously reported material (Log AS – 20120515–0235(closed)  That has appeared on the mentioned party website hot air, Which he thinks is a threat to him and his father.

The wording has been copied by me directly from the site and reads:-

When wrongly blamed for the Manchester United Munich air crash Capt Thain spent several years working to clear his name of any wrongdoing.

Despite threats, both physical and financial, If the need be I shall do the same, in doing so highlighting my safety concerns.

I read this as a threat to pogmore by others not threats to Mr Pascoe and in any case they do not constitute  directory to the victim

I have advised Ivan that the serious crime group are reviewing the entire allegation following the letter sent by the victim to chief constable.

He also mentions that his father's credit card at being compromised  (The Attempt) a couple of weeks ago. The credit card company are investigating there is no evidence to suggest that Mr Pogmore is responsible. I have instructed Ivan to pass my details and the CRN to the credit card company if they believe mr Pogmore is involved for further investigations advise that victim will be updated once SCG have reviewed matter.

46. 23/11 /2011 1645 hours DS 1813 Dowding ZE district crime desk

I read the "new" email as LOE 44 and 45.

In my opinion there is no reference to any"menace" for the purpose of blackmail.

Pogmore makes demands but his actions for non-compliance is to go on hunger strike Which he is currently on(See

Victim son Ivan thinks the original demand made from Nepal in 2009 are still valid as the location of threat/demand were received is relevant and not where they were made– CPS advise in till all be 38.4 does not agree.

Discuss possibility of consideration for other offences harassment malicious columns etc.

He asked if he could speak to the CPS directly– not

He menioned that a civil cases not likely to succeed as there is a similar case involving a website about rogue lawyers with the Law Society fhave spent vast amounts of money on– Got a ruling against the offender who then republish the website 24 hours later from a different country. Advise that I will consult with DCI Gill a Reply back to them.

53. 25 01/2012 17:04 hours DS 1813 Dowding ZE district crime desk.

Discuss response to letter with DCI Gill

Discussion stands as per the letter sent to Mr Pascoe on 7/09/11 no new evidence and comments by informant consists of his opinion and suspicions of what possible does what does not believe in relation to demands belief etc

54. 25/01/2012 17:04 hours DS 1813 Dowding said he district crime desk.

I've updated Mr Pascoe regarding DCI Gill's decision.

He was disappointed but accepted explanation in polite and dignified manner. He explained that the six-month statutory time limit for harassment is six months from the date the offence took place.

55. 16/05 2012 0849 DS 1813 Dowding ZE district crime desk.

Log as 2012 0515–0235 (closed) Reported by Ivan Pascoe–unit attended advice given. DCI Gill updated–there is currently a complaint with chief constable Office being investigated no further action appropriate

Aviation  Passenger Safety Compromised,SBS  Passengers Killed  eight injured, Professional pilot threatened, I would say that's of public interest

So let's look at whether or not it is proportionate

UK CPS will now spend in excess of £250,000  of your money to pursuing this case, Simply because there's been a complaint!

Time for call in  a cost-effective detective; One  with a  an eye for detail, Sherlock Holmes !

Ben to enter that this is a good time to deviate from transcript towards police log  

CPS Appeared to be petrified of being subjected to complaints by the Pascoe's, Later I will be arrested, Handcuff numerous times and places in Bristol prison on remand. I'll get to that later.

World-famous investigator examines Serengeti balloon crash

Explosive! Police Log

1:   No Criminal Offence Identified

2 : Treat all ( Pascoe ) reports with cauation

3:  He confirmed there was no criminal case to pursue and no offence of blackmail had  been made out

Stand back, Watson

let me handle this;

This could blow up in our faces if we allow ourselves to be intimidated by  the threat of a complaint  from SBS; that:-

Along with their relentless attempts to silence the  very pilot that had forwarned of passenger safety concerns prior to the their 3rd fatal accident.

What was  Tony Pascoe  thinking of when he gave  a Yorkshireman the choice between either  putting up or shutting up?

We all know what Yorkshiremen are like; even if they have an accident that they didn't recover from, mark my word Watson; they will come back putting the record straight once and for all .

I tell you Watson; it's only a matter of time; Yorkshireman are tough as a  Honey Badger and have the memory of an   African Elephant.

Accounts of my 18 days on hunger strike at York Convent shall be entered in  the coming days

Yes, this is very serious, not a move to take lightly:  My philosophy being, those that threaten pilots, the very foundations that aviation safety is built upon; it's in the public interest  to  draw attention and expose those that have Indulged in such activities.

38. 26/07/2011 15:54 DS 1813  DOWDING Y-E Districk CID – Do Not use

Result of CPS consultation – summarising email to DCI Gill;


As you are aware I went to KSH today for a face-to-face with CPS regarding the complaint by Mr Pascoe care of Serengeti Balloon safaris regarding blackmail/malicious communication.

The lawyer reviewed the case and her decision was that this is a civil matter.

She had not come across a case such as this and for confirmation she called Steve  CARPENTER whilst I was there to seek his opinion.

He confirmed that there was no criminal case to pursue and no offence or blackmail I've been made out.

Despite facing the potential of a 14-year jail sentence that blackmail attracts, one has to be mindful when offered a police caution. True, there are situations when accepting police caution has its place; backing away from my stance on passenger safety is not to be one of them. Should I have accepted such deceptively dressed-up offerings, I would be admitting to having been involved in some form of criminal activity. That's what any police caution is, and that’s the sticking point for me!

Raising what turned out to be tragically proven passenger safety concerns could never, not even in a month of Sundays, be categorised as a criminal offence, and that's what this is all about. In addition to those cherished principles, simply as an individual, more so a qualified commercial pilot, I have a moral and professional duty to speak up for myself and all those involved in SBS’ latest fatal crash.  Had I weakend in to such intimidation; accepted a police caution, it certainly would have come with a restraining order preventing me from speaking out or even writing a book!

Let's not forget that even those surviving injured passengers who had been compelled to agree to a gagging order before receiving urgently needed compensation no longer have a voice.

As a consequence of the CPSBeen afraid of receiving a complaint myself Steadfast to my principles; throughout two Crown Court trials for the next three years, I shall walk in the corridors of Bristol Crown Court. The British Legal system will now squander in excess of £250,000 of taxpayers money. they will not win  The CPS code of conduct ( The Code) demands that they must act  in the best public interest ! More on the CPS later.

The pilot's mantra

The privilege of being a pilot, one faced with adversity.

Let the recklessness of others serve to remind me that I owe nothing less to those lives so carelessly lost, other than to stand firm, not to falter when challenged,

no matter how absurd the personal cost.

Refusing to shirk from responsibilities both professional & moral, found inseparable, never to be untwined from the privileges gifted to me,

I speak of nothing more than the trust that my passengers have so blindly placed in me.

(C) Capt Nigel Pogmore



Mysterious DVDs, now pointing the finger towards me regarding Credit card fraud, it couldn’t get any more absurd. Initially, the term paranoid comes to mind; however, I don't believe for a moment that these individuals suffer such an element. I have reason to suspect that these two individuals know precisely what they're doing and attempting to do. I see an agenda painting a very dark picture of my character with the sole intention of gaining the support of the Police Authority to some extent. Avon and Somerset police were, for whatever reason, Intimidated by Pascoe, Which raises the question: what did he have on them?

I'm not embarrassed to say that in the early days I had concerns surrounding the way in which Avon and Somerset police  were mishandling  this case. Of late after becoming aware of the police log, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, particularly Mr Gill, can take comfort in knowing that I now recognise that there had to deal with the most unreasonable complainant, Avon and Somerset police  appear to have for  quite some time been aware of Mr Pascoe's agenda of malicious intent.

As to why I have had to endure several more years ( to 2018), this ordeal raises some awkward questions in many departments. This I imagine, will have to be dealt with at sometime later.

Edited 2024: Similar to the Post Office scandal I can  no nolonger rely on British authorities to provide true justice; therefore publicity in the way of a documentary must be in the pipeline.

WATSON, come down here;  shine a light on this, please; I need to take a closer look at this police Log,

My God, Watson, what do we have here?

Just as I  thought, It's official.   According to the CPS, there was never a case against Pogmore,  we have a shocking revelation of a miscarriage of justice right before us. It appears to me that somebody has friends in high places working behind the scenes; well, it’s either that or the cash-strapped CPS are scratching their heads, wondering how to avoid a complaint from the complainants family.

As we know, when the once self-renowned British justice fails so miserably, social media, along with TV documentaries, prevail.

I hope Pogmore sends all his evidence related to the failed justice case to the media before contemplating going public again. This sort of dirty business, i'm  referring to the mishandling of justice, travels around the world at the speed of light.

Yes, Watson, I fear that it's highly likely  Pogmore will be subjected to more threats; he needs to forewarn the authorities of his intention to go public; that way, matters can be monitored; ultimately, given that this is not Russia, Should they failed to do so; the media will hold the British Authorities to account.

          From: Nigel Pogmore

          Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 6:20 AM

          To: cirrus-sbs

          Cc: Tony Pascoe

          Subject: constructive dialogue

          Dear Colin & Tony,

          I am contacting you today to enquire as to your willingness to enter into constructive dialogue so as to                          discuss events that took place surrounding my departure from SBS.  Please be kind enough to respond?



                         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

          From: Tony Pascoe

          Date: 27 May 2009 12:51:43 GMT+05:45

          To: 'nigel & nita pogmore'

          Cc: 'cirrus-sbs'

          Subject: RE: constructive dialogue

          Dear Nigel, I think that we have all moved on.

          in short nigel put up or shut up


Passengers injured and killed