Silencing Professional Pilots.Com

By Capt Nigel Pogmore

Former pilot & safety officer

Serengeti Balloon Safaris Ltd

November 8, 2010: Masked men come calling  pilot goes into hiding

Just a few weeks after the Serengeti Balloon Safaris' third fatal accident, totaling five fatalities,  my website went crazy; after all, what I had warned of earlier had now tragically taken place.

My wife and I decided that we needed a break from Kathmandu for a while and subsequently moved to a location that, for reasons that shall become obvious, I shall not disclose here.

A few days after arriving at location one, we received a phone call from trusted friends back in Kathmandu. This was to inform me that several men, all wearing face masks no less, had descended upon our house, apparently looking for me!

Intelligence that I only  recived in 2014 revealed that my local corner shop was staked out by several unsavoury individuals for three days hoping for my return. I also lerned that  some time  later four *Dada members  (*Local mafia) came calling looking for me. You get a lot for your money in Nepal (SBS had  deposited $3000 with the nephew of the Chief of police)

We contacted a friend and a lawyer who also made some enquiries by visiting the police station as well as the lawyer acting, as it turns out, for Serengeti Balloon Safaris Ltd.

Although our friendly lawyer was initially prevented from receiving all the information, he had a rough idea of what was going on.

According to enquiries, I came to learn that I was to be arrested and later charged with cyberspace crime. Further investigation produced confirmation that SBS was accusing me of blackmailing  to the tune of £75,000! The very figure I placed to protect my copyright on my evidential footage of their aircraft defects, the very ones they had pulled off YouTube, etc.

One must keep in mind that SBS had made a bogus copyright claim on some of my work, which is all very naughty.

Weeks later, I learnt that SBS directors were seeking 30000000 NPR compensation in addition to the above charges. This equates to a cool $500,000.

Is it not amazing that SBS have no less than five deaths on their hands yet are free to roam with no charges whatsoever

$500,000.00 compensation for what I ask, warning the public that they are going to have a hot air balloon crash and kill someone!! I predicted that accident in May 2010; the fatal accident took place on 29 September 2010. Whilst I make no claim to be in any way mystic, my predictions were based on a professional appraisal of the situation,primarily, based on SBS's poor attitude towards pilots with passenger safety concerns.

This situation must raise many questions. On one hand, you've got the aviation whistleblower, myself, letting the public know of the dangers. My warnings, although initially dismissed as a disgruntled ex-employee, come to reality in the death of one American and one Danish passenger; I believe that other passengers are paralysed resulting from  broken backs. Given the tragic events, I found myself questioning what was going on, Is it my paranoia, or is someone spending a lot of money in order to silence me one way or the other?

At the time of writing this, shortly after the events described were to turn out to be the tip of the iceberg, It does not stop here.

20 Masked men come calling

Nepalese mafia lie in WAIT for Serengeti balloon pilot after fatal accident

From what I understand from locals there was about 20 men wearing facemasks; armed with batons, some talking to neighbours, enquiring if they had seen me and so on. Later phone calls from a concerned individual using a discreet cellphone as he/she was not prepared to use their own  for fear of being tapped. He/she made me aware that they were all under orders to notify the police without my knowledge upon our return. At this point, I was starting to think that this kind of service must come at a considerable cost!

All is quite extraordinary.

It may well be an understatement to say that things were starting to get really serious yet at the same time starting to resemble a few pages out of an intriguing novel. A Balloon Passenger was killed, others were seriously injured, the hacking computers, bogus email (see below), and masked men came calling. All this points to the very fact that somewhere, someone may be getting very agitated about the truthful contents of my website.

I made discreet enquiries to discover what took place in Kathmandu. It soon transpired that the so-called men wearing masks were Nepelese plainclothes police with a bit of fancy dress thrown in for good measure. Apparently, they carried riot shields and batons; what on earth were they expecting, I ask? Later I was made aware that they were assisted by the local  Dada  (mafia)

Commercial pilots house surrounded by men wearing face mask Actifed Blaxland in Serengeti

With some sort of contract out on me, we are unable to return our home in Kathmandu; we go into hiding on the Nepalese Indian border.

Just weeks earlier, SBS, with a total of six accidents , suffered their third fatal accident, this time taking the lives of one Danish and one American passenger. All eight survivors sustained life-changing injuries.

SBS’s latest accidents occurred in 2008, 2009 and 2010, Is it just me, or do you also see a trend?

They send the heavies,  proving that hypocrisy knows no bounds; Tony Pascoe/SBS demands $500,000 compensation from me!  apparently I am  damaging their business, Killing off a few passengers had nothing to do with it, Apparently !


Our local shop  is staked out for days by the  local Mafia